Wednesday, July 30, 2008

R.I.P. Mr. Cassette

Check out this article from the New York Times on the death of cassette tapes. Though they haven't been used in the music industry in a long time, publishers had continued to utilize cassette tapes as a medium for audio books. Apparently that has come to an end.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Do You Censor Yourself?

I've been catching up on my Google Reader content lately and came across this wonderful article by acclaimed Brave Men Run author, Matthew Wayne Selznick. He received a response from one of his readers concerning some of the content in his book. Mr. Selznick then delved into the question of whether author's should be concerned about the content of their works offending their readers. I love his response, and you should read it in its entirety in his article, The Author's Responsibility.

As a Christian I know that I will encounter different things in the books and stories I choose to read that I may find offensive. That is the risk I take as a reader. Most of these things I take in stride as an avid reader and aspiring author. I know that many of the things we encounter are there to help us define ourselves as humans. Especially in the case of the characters in Brave Men Run, who display many of the character flaws you come to expect in teenagers. As others on Mr. Selznick's website have stated, a teenager who never does anything wrong is not believable. That is true of character's of almost any age.

In my own writing I never try to apologize for the things I've written, or the actions of my characters. If people disagree with what I'm writing they can put the book down and find another. And if reading my material changes peoples' personal opinions of me...well, I guess they'll have to learn to accept the way a human mind thinks, including mine. I know I've accepted it, and am grateful for the different ideas that flow through me during the creative process.

Mr. Selznick, congratulations on an incredible novel in Brave Men Run. And thank you for not worrying about any one's opinion but your own.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Randy Pausch Passed Away

I don't know if you've been following Dr. Randy Pausch or not. He passed away today at age 47.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Writing Resource: Backspace - The Writer's Place

I just stumbled across a new website for writers. Backspace - The Writer's Place appears to be a very nice resource. I have not had the time to do more than peruse some of the links that they have available. I'll give you more feedback in the future. In the meantime, if you happen to peruse the site first, drop me a comment with your thoughts.

Free Stuff from TOR Books!

TOR Books recently launched its brand new website. As I understand it, prior to this site being launched they were using an interim site where they were preparing people for their grand new look. On this interim site TOR was giving away free stuff. Free electronic copies of books and fantasy and sci-fi art. Well, now that the new is up and running they've decided to make all of the free stuff that was available previously available again...for a limited time. If you are interested in free electronic books by some great TOR authors, or some incredible fantasy and sci-fi art then check out the Freebies Bonanza post from their website. The freebies are only available through Sunday, July 27, so get over there now.

Incidentally, I haven't had time to dive into their new website but, at first glance, I do like their new format. I'm thinking I might stop back again sometime.

Enjoy the free stuff!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jason Heath Book Signing

If you are in the Sioux Falls, South Dakota area this week I encourage you to check out a book signing by a great friend of mine. Jason Heath is a talented double bass performer, educator, blogger, and podcaster living in Evanston, Illinois. He is the author of Jason Heath's Double Bass Blog and the host of the podcast Contrabass Conversations. Both of which are very well known in world-wide music circles.

He will be having a book singing for "Road Warrior Without an Expense Account," and a talk on music business this coming Thursday, July 24, at the Oak View Branch of the Sioux Falls Public Library. The event begins at 7 pm.

This is a man who has made quite a mark on the world of New Media and I wish him the best of luck with this and future books.